About Me

So. I'm hannah. 17 years old, Directioner. Batman is cool, The Joker is awesome. I think owls are really creepy. I love music, music is a must at all times. Art, dance, and photography are all things I love to do.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

so many feels

no where to put them :c
my life is empty with out tumblr.

"you should probably be in bed by 11 at the latest"

what I said: Okay.
what I thought: lol yeah right.

If you like One Direction, then I like YOU!!!


Monday, June 25, 2012

"not this time"

that's the answer every single time I ask to do something with my friends.
you can't say "not this time" if it is never any time.

Friday, June 22, 2012


excuse me as I cry to myself about how I can't post this anywhere where my friends would understand it because NONE OF THEM LIKE ONE DIRECTION

oh yeeeah

I got a job.
so thats cool :)


I'm not used to being talked's not a great feeling.
especially since I haven't done anything wrong that I know of....

Monday, June 11, 2012

18 days until my birthday :D

I'm excited :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I get bored way to easily.
One reason I don't sleep well is because while i'm laying there trying to fall asleep, I get bored and then I think about how bored I am and then I get up and do something. Sleeping is just...uninteresting.

its ridiculous, but that's how my mind functions. I need something to do at all times or I get physically uncomfortable. and when I can't find something to do, I go on the computer and stare at a screen mindlessly for hours on end, all the time in the back of my mind thinking about how bored I am.