About Me

So. I'm hannah. 17 years old, Directioner. Batman is cool, The Joker is awesome. I think owls are really creepy. I love music, music is a must at all times. Art, dance, and photography are all things I love to do.
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Thursday, July 19, 2012


determined to start being more healthy now, so that by next summer, I'll be confident enough to wear a bathing suit and not be ridiculously embarrassed. I'm looking at pictures of before and after pictures of peoples weight loss(that would be at this tumblr right hurr), and I'm like...I can do that...

but I'm not gonna be unhealthy about it. there was a time where I would have completely cool with just not eating for a day or two at a time if I thought it would make me skinny. BUT that is not the way. I can do this. I got this bro. I got this.

my laziness is astounding.

I would like to go outside. But I have to do the dishes. but I don't have to do the dishes until 7. and I cannot be bothered to do them before I actually have to. because I am ridiculously lazy.


I'm not too great at this whole blog thing.
I seem to only do it in the middle of the night when I have nothing better to's not as if people care about it anyway.

oh well.

today (technically yesterday I guess) was my first day of work. it went pretty well. the boy who trained me was cute x3

umm...tomorrow (today technically...) I gotta go work on my dancing with my sister, because if I don't do better, I'll be kicked off the company....which would suck....

Friday, July 6, 2012

I just feel like over time, my childhood is being effectively killed.

this is not okay

I just went on
dude. what. happened.
POLLY WHY??!?!?!?
ugh this is not the polly pocket I know and love D: