About Me

So. I'm hannah. 17 years old, Directioner. Batman is cool, The Joker is awesome. I think owls are really creepy. I love music, music is a must at all times. Art, dance, and photography are all things I love to do.
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Monday, August 22, 2011


This past wednesday-thursday I went on a small missions trip to Philly with my youth group. All together there was 11 people that went.
We went and helped with some places that are connected to Circle of Hope.
One area was a urban garden, and another was a thrift store called Circle Thrift.
We arrived at the garden first, and saw what needed to be done, and then did the same with the thrift store, then went to lunch to see who wanted to do what.
Obviously, most of the people wanted to stay at the Thrift store because it wasnt as hot and they wouldnt get bitten up by bugs there. So seven people stayed there, and four people went to help with the garden. I was one of those four. :) along with my youth pastor, my friend taylor and a youth advisor, Ben. We went back to the garden and met Josh, the guy who was in charge of that particular garden, and we asked him if we could go to Home Depot and buy him anything he needed for the garden. He was of course excited, because He said he was worried that they wouldnt be able to afford what they needed. So we went and got him a whole bunch of gardening tools and other little things he needed, and also gave him a check for whenever they needed other things, after that, we went back to pick up the rest of the group from the Thrift store. They spent the day organizing and marking prices on things and cleaning and other stuff around the shop.
Then we left, got dinner (at Dave and Busters! such an awesome place. oh and also, next to the Dave and Busters, there was a ke$ha concert. NBD.), and then went to the art museum and had devotions on the steps. It was really pretty 'cause it was night time and the skyline was all lit up.
then we left there and went home, but not before stopping at Dairy Queen because it was one of the girls birthdays. :]
When we got back to the church, we played Sardines for a few hours and then went to bed.
The next day we had to wake up early and do devotions and then leave and go back to the Thrift shop. This time, we all helped at the thrift store. I helped with organizing the shoe racks and marking shoes and putting them out on the shelves. Then when we were done with that, I marked bags until we left.
The car trip is usually the boring part, but not when you're in a big van full of your friends x3
we spent most of our time waving at people on the highway and listening to music.
All in all, it was a great trip, I feel like we got a lot done, and also its fun getting to know some new people.