About Me

So. I'm hannah. 17 years old, Directioner. Batman is cool, The Joker is awesome. I think owls are really creepy. I love music, music is a must at all times. Art, dance, and photography are all things I love to do.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Such a beautiful song.

"Superhero, save my life tonight. I know, you'll be there to fight. I won't let go, bring me in the light. Superhero save my life tonight."

talking to people from the future


oh the perks of having british friends.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, "Ooh, this could be a little more sonic"? 

Friday, May 18, 2012

well dang.

a kid in a gas mask is slightly terrifying.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

And so it begins.

just got done watching my first 2 episodes of doctor who :]
I quite like it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

in other music news,

I've been listening to Rise Against and A Day To Remember lately, and the question is, WHY haven't I been listening to them sooner???

I, am such a fangirl. If you went through my youtube history, like, 80% of the recent videos will be 1D.
I have to figure out if this is a bad thing or not....

"I know your hearts has been broken, but don't you give up, i'll be there ya I know it, to fix you with love."

"when he opens his arms arms and holds you close tonight, it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this. when he lays you down I might just die inside, it just don't feel right, cause I can love you more than this, love you more than this."

today was good.

I got a new camera :] it's a nikon coolpix and i love it.
and then it was raining, so of course I went out and found ALL THE PUDDLES and jumped, splashed, and laid in them. i completely soaked by the time i got in, but it was worth it :]
and now, I should be doing school stuff since i can't sleep, but I'm instead listening to one direction and fangirling. c:

eh, i guess i can listen to them and finish my log book. :|
ugh cant wait til school is OVER. O_<

Monday, May 7, 2012


is so ridiculous.
can't even wrap my head around this.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

time to complain? maybe a little bit...

seriously, I have no friends.
I have people who talk to me when it's convenient for them and hang out with me when they have no better option.

If I didn't text people first, I wouldn't talk to anybody. and heck, I'm lucky if they even respond to my texts.

ew :\

just googled "what is the point of stink bugs" and clicked on an article and it had pictures of the little creepers.
ugh i hate bugs so much.
especially stink bugs, cause seriously, what do they do other than be annoying???

blech bugs give me the heebee jeebee's and now that ive seen pictures of their beady little eyes, i'll probably not e able to sleep...(also because there was a dang stink bug in my room, so yeah that doesn't help matters >.<)

time to get down to business.

only a little over a month and a half til I'm 17, gotta start legit thinking about my future.
gotta start taking photography a bit more seriously, gotta take art a bit more seriously, gotta take looking for a job a whole heck of a lot more seriously, and deff gotta take school more seriously.
I'm growing up, it's time to act like it.

Friday, May 4, 2012


 I got burn hazel on my leg yesterday and now my leg itches sooooo much :c


so on myyearbook. this dude just used this pickup line on me "if you held 11 roses in front of the mirror youd be looking at 12 of the most gorgeous things in the world"

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

psssh. boys >:I

seriously, why would you act like you like someone, then a month later be like "my lifes too complicatedso lets be friends" and THEN another month later be all like "im so tired of being single" on your stupid status??? ((btw dear, you spelled tired wrong. idiot.))

quite annoying. erg.