About Me

So. I'm hannah. 17 years old, Directioner. Batman is cool, The Joker is awesome. I think owls are really creepy. I love music, music is a must at all times. Art, dance, and photography are all things I love to do.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm supposed to be asleep.

but...that's not gonna happen, so I'll write some stuff if that's cool...

   I don't know what to say really....Maybe someday I'll write out my life story, or give you all some earth shattering revelations. But right now, I got nothing...

So I'll just say some stuff that's going on or has been going on in my life. I dunno, I guess that's post worthy yea?

  • In 8 days I'll be taking my drivers test, which I'm kinda starting to freak out about.
  • I kinda sorta have some what of a boyfriend(ish)? haha um, my family keeps saying he's my boyfriend, but he isn't. not yet at least. But it's nice to know there's a boy out there that's interested in you. :3
  • I've been looking for jobs, but so far it hasn't been to great.
  • School still sucks.
  • I've been cut free for over a week now, so that's good.
ummmm yeah that's all I guess. I dunno.