About Me

So. I'm hannah. 17 years old, Directioner. Batman is cool, The Joker is awesome. I think owls are really creepy. I love music, music is a must at all times. Art, dance, and photography are all things I love to do.
View my complete profile

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


my shoulder hurts sooooo bad
my friend thinks I dislocated it in dance on monday....i also twisted my knee again. fun times man.

Friday, September 28, 2012

spending my nights on netflix.

i watched reichenbach fall (sherlock) and drowned in my own tears...

now i'm on to the vampire diaries, cause apparently imma sucker for a show with hot guys :3

Thursday, September 27, 2012

ho hum

i still miss tumblr.
at least there people can appreciate my brand of humor. here, it's impossible to find people to follow, and for people to follow you.

i've come to the conclusion that when i turn 18, im getting one again. :3

so the other day,

there were some kids talking about how they can get a facebook when they're 13. so I said..."when I was your age, I was gonna be getting a myspace."
and they looked at me and were like "realllly??"

haha I remember myspace was so cool, but now nobody uses it.

i'm so old. x3


im never gonna sleep tonight.

time to obsess over 1d.....more than normal? not really...nothing out of the ordinary here really. what am I saying. what?

One Direction post!!! c:

I love Niall. like...a lot. it's probably unhealthy really.
such a derp moment. ohh zayn.
heh...such a loopy gif, liam is just going back and forth and zayns like lol wut
and point and point and point
Hazza, what is the point of your WHITE totally see through shirt? just wondering.

it's just past 3 am

and what am I doing? listening to radio 1. that's a British radio station.
I mainly turned it on for One Direction stuff...Loueh is sassy and makes sure everyone knows he's with Hazza even though it's first thing in the morning c; Larry Stylinson anybody??
British music is quite nice actually. you can actually hear their accents, which is odd, cause usually when people sing with an accent you cant really hear it...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



  1. d
  2. e
  3. r
  4. p

Sunday, August 26, 2012

can't dance for the next week because of my knee and I hate it so much....

Saturday, August 11, 2012

within the last week I have lost my best friend and already been replaced.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

hahaha wow

people are ridiculous sometimes with their relationships.

"i miss you so much" (talking about a boy that broke up with her like two days ago,)

                        "dating -insert name here-!!! -insert the date with a bunch of hearts-"

THIS is why 13 year olds shouldnt be allowed to date.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


determined to start being more healthy now, so that by next summer, I'll be confident enough to wear a bathing suit and not be ridiculously embarrassed. I'm looking at pictures of before and after pictures of peoples weight loss(that would be at this tumblr right hurr), and I'm like...I can do that...

but I'm not gonna be unhealthy about it. there was a time where I would have completely cool with just not eating for a day or two at a time if I thought it would make me skinny. BUT that is not the way. I can do this. I got this bro. I got this.

my laziness is astounding.

I would like to go outside. But I have to do the dishes. but I don't have to do the dishes until 7. and I cannot be bothered to do them before I actually have to. because I am ridiculously lazy.


I'm not too great at this whole blog thing.
I seem to only do it in the middle of the night when I have nothing better to's not as if people care about it anyway.

oh well.

today (technically yesterday I guess) was my first day of work. it went pretty well. the boy who trained me was cute x3

umm...tomorrow (today technically...) I gotta go work on my dancing with my sister, because if I don't do better, I'll be kicked off the company....which would suck....

Friday, July 6, 2012

I just feel like over time, my childhood is being effectively killed.

this is not okay

I just went on
dude. what. happened.
POLLY WHY??!?!?!?
ugh this is not the polly pocket I know and love D:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

so many feels

no where to put them :c
my life is empty with out tumblr.

"you should probably be in bed by 11 at the latest"

what I said: Okay.
what I thought: lol yeah right.

If you like One Direction, then I like YOU!!!


Monday, June 25, 2012

"not this time"

that's the answer every single time I ask to do something with my friends.
you can't say "not this time" if it is never any time.

Friday, June 22, 2012


excuse me as I cry to myself about how I can't post this anywhere where my friends would understand it because NONE OF THEM LIKE ONE DIRECTION

oh yeeeah

I got a job.
so thats cool :)


I'm not used to being talked's not a great feeling.
especially since I haven't done anything wrong that I know of....

Monday, June 11, 2012

18 days until my birthday :D

I'm excited :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I get bored way to easily.
One reason I don't sleep well is because while i'm laying there trying to fall asleep, I get bored and then I think about how bored I am and then I get up and do something. Sleeping is just...uninteresting.

its ridiculous, but that's how my mind functions. I need something to do at all times or I get physically uncomfortable. and when I can't find something to do, I go on the computer and stare at a screen mindlessly for hours on end, all the time in the back of my mind thinking about how bored I am.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Such a beautiful song.

"Superhero, save my life tonight. I know, you'll be there to fight. I won't let go, bring me in the light. Superhero save my life tonight."

talking to people from the future


oh the perks of having british friends.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, "Ooh, this could be a little more sonic"? 

Friday, May 18, 2012

well dang.

a kid in a gas mask is slightly terrifying.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

And so it begins.

just got done watching my first 2 episodes of doctor who :]
I quite like it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

in other music news,

I've been listening to Rise Against and A Day To Remember lately, and the question is, WHY haven't I been listening to them sooner???

I, am such a fangirl. If you went through my youtube history, like, 80% of the recent videos will be 1D.
I have to figure out if this is a bad thing or not....

"I know your hearts has been broken, but don't you give up, i'll be there ya I know it, to fix you with love."

"when he opens his arms arms and holds you close tonight, it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this. when he lays you down I might just die inside, it just don't feel right, cause I can love you more than this, love you more than this."

today was good.

I got a new camera :] it's a nikon coolpix and i love it.
and then it was raining, so of course I went out and found ALL THE PUDDLES and jumped, splashed, and laid in them. i completely soaked by the time i got in, but it was worth it :]
and now, I should be doing school stuff since i can't sleep, but I'm instead listening to one direction and fangirling. c:

eh, i guess i can listen to them and finish my log book. :|
ugh cant wait til school is OVER. O_<

Monday, May 7, 2012


is so ridiculous.
can't even wrap my head around this.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

time to complain? maybe a little bit...

seriously, I have no friends.
I have people who talk to me when it's convenient for them and hang out with me when they have no better option.

If I didn't text people first, I wouldn't talk to anybody. and heck, I'm lucky if they even respond to my texts.

ew :\

just googled "what is the point of stink bugs" and clicked on an article and it had pictures of the little creepers.
ugh i hate bugs so much.
especially stink bugs, cause seriously, what do they do other than be annoying???

blech bugs give me the heebee jeebee's and now that ive seen pictures of their beady little eyes, i'll probably not e able to sleep...(also because there was a dang stink bug in my room, so yeah that doesn't help matters >.<)

time to get down to business.

only a little over a month and a half til I'm 17, gotta start legit thinking about my future.
gotta start taking photography a bit more seriously, gotta take art a bit more seriously, gotta take looking for a job a whole heck of a lot more seriously, and deff gotta take school more seriously.
I'm growing up, it's time to act like it.

Friday, May 4, 2012


 I got burn hazel on my leg yesterday and now my leg itches sooooo much :c


so on myyearbook. this dude just used this pickup line on me "if you held 11 roses in front of the mirror youd be looking at 12 of the most gorgeous things in the world"

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

psssh. boys >:I

seriously, why would you act like you like someone, then a month later be like "my lifes too complicatedso lets be friends" and THEN another month later be all like "im so tired of being single" on your stupid status??? ((btw dear, you spelled tired wrong. idiot.))

quite annoying. erg.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

that wonderful moment

when you realize pretty much every one of your friends blew you off some how or another in the same day.

I spend all my extra time watching one direction videos.
not even kidding.
it's kinda sad really.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

That moment when,

you just feel like all your friends don't really like you and that you just annoy them.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Kill it with fire.

I'll probably actually use some of these....

  • hey bro
  • bro
  • broski
  • brosicle
  • broseidon, god of the brocean
  • brotato chip
  • brotein shake
  • brosef stalin
  • barack brobama
  • teddy brosevelt
  • don quibrote
  • adrien brody
  • gallilebro gallilei
  • napoleon bronaparte
  • brobo cop
  • leonardo dicapribro
  • broseph mengele 
  • bro nye the science guy
  • selena bromez
  • broey deschanel 
  • bro dimaggio
  • wolfgang amadaeus brozart
  • brohemian rhapsody
  • osama bro laden
  • mighty bro young
  • brodo the hobbit bro
  • broprah winfrey 
  • broby dick
  • abroham lincoln
  • what’s up

not tired...

can't focus...
I'm never going to be okay....
why can't I just be normal?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Can't sleep.

so what do I do? listen to music and stretch.
hopefully I can be all the way down in both left and right splits and make some progress in my straddle if I'm gonna be in the competition team for dance.

Gotye is fascinating.

Monday, April 23, 2012

It's so weird to go on youtube and watch From First To Last videos, and then go and watch Skrillex videos.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


only a best friend would text you saying she has to pee.
the conversation goes something like this:

her: I HAVE TO PEE!!!
me: then pee!!
her: but i don't want to moveeee!
me: don't pee your pants!
her: I'm wearing shorts!

sad things is, this is considered normal for us.

le sigh...

so many of my friends seem to be doing big and important things, or at least have an idea of where they're gonna go in life.

I'm afraid I'll just stay in this area and do nothing with my life.
I have no clue what I want to do.


oh how my friend frustrates me.


Saturday, April 21, 2012


Nialls solo in this song is the meaning of perfection <3

Things I learned today.

Sunburn was invented by the devil. (I already knew this, but I got sunburned today so, BLEH)
rain is lovely.(even if its cold out.)
and the guy who plays John Carted is quite attractive. (QUITE!)

Friday, April 20, 2012


one direction is complete perfection.

having a major fangirl moment here.


I'm feeling the need to watch some Buffy and Angel.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

my computer sucks so much,

okay, okay,

I'll calm down now.

T squad, raven symone, corbin bleu, ashley tisdale, keke palmer, jordan pruitt, the cheetah girls, high school musical (don't judge me bro!!), and so on and so forth


dang wheres a delorean when ya need one?? (1.21 gigawatts!!!!)

I'm dying man. DYING.

listening to these old songs are literally killing me.



Keke Palmer timeeeeee!

oh nostalgia.

just got smacked in the brain with memories of listening to Radio Disney.



breaking out the old disney singers. Corbin Bleu anyone???

oh my childhood.

Angus, Thongs, and Perfect snogging is such a good movie.

ohmygosh it's so cute.
Aaron johnson is beyond gorgeous.

Georgia and Robbie are so perfect like seriously.

I'll probably talk in a British accent for the next few hours, and I now realize I need to get me a sex god boyfriend.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I would kill to go to a skrillex show.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sherlock gif's. wOOt!

What lovely eyes you have, Benedict.
Oh the sadness

so, when I watched the Reichenbach episode of Sherlock,

and towards the end when john says there were things he hadn't said that he wished he had, I thought for sure he was gonna confess his love for Sherlock or something

just sayin'.
they're probably an OTP of mine. is it acceptable to say OTP outside of tumblr??? can you have more than one OTP??

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ohhhh the boredom I experience without tumblr.

I should really stop looking at peoples tumblrs, because I see something where I'm like "OH I HAVE A WITTY COMMENT FOR THAT" then my brains just like lol you can't reblog it.

anyway, gotta go finish filling out job applications.
wOOt for growing up >.<

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Sometimes you have to read another persons goals to make you realize you have no clue about what you wanna do with the rest of your life.

I'm a 16 year old (almost 17) and I don't have a job, any sort of life plan, or really any clue about anything.
I've never thought about it before, but that's kinda scary. Considering in a few years I should probably be moving out. Heck, next year I'll be graduating.

Remind me, when did I grow up?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

sleep? who needs this "sleep" you speak of?

my sister just came in and was like "you know it's one o clock right?" as if she were expecting me to go to bed or something.
I responded with a "mhm" with out looking away at the computer screen.

dude its friday night, back off.

I say bro too much.

and broski. brah. broseph. dude.

I should probably stop it.

I'm feeeeeeling a need to post some of my favorite songs. here weeee go.

Broadway - same thing we do everyday pinky. ahhhhh I love the singers voice so much.
Oceana - Reach for the sky. I absolutely adore the last few minutes of this song.
Backpack party - cloud island. I may or may not like this band because Christian Novelli is super cute. I really like this song though.

Blessthefall - Promised ones. Dude. just. dude. I love the beginning of this. and the whole video is awesometastic.

Carly rae jepsen - call me maybe. I dunno I like this video ^_^

One Direction - One thing. *swoon*
One Direction - Gotta be you. *double swoon*

Sleeping with sirens - if you can't hang

Sleeping with sirens - do it now remember it later

Bon Jovi - bad medicine

Bon jovi - it's my life

bon jovi - livin' on a prayer

Attack Attack! - the wretched.

oh gosh theres so many more, but that's all for now.
I'll probably make more posts like this. :3

Laterzz brah.


Tumblr is so much easier to use than this.

You can't reblog or like posts on here >.>

what's up with that bro?

Friday, March 30, 2012

I love my friends.

Me: wazzup my brotha
Luke: not much, you?
Me: just got in from taking a walk
Luke: cool
Me: mmm, I suppose. it was freezing.
Luke: So it was quite...chill ;D
Me: I see what you did there.

Supernatural GIFs. lulz brah. lulz.

no you're not dude don't lie.

I miss my tumblr so muchhhhhh :c

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I like amusing photos

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dear boys,

heres a little advice for ya.
Don't mess with a girl, make her think you like her and then be like oh um I think we should just be friends.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I had such a good day.

and then of course it had to end quite suckishly.
ugh why does that always seem to happen?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


can I also just say quickly that I miss my Tumblr greatly?

David Phelps is my favorite singer.

I'm supposed to be asleep.

but...that's not gonna happen, so I'll write some stuff if that's cool...

   I don't know what to say really....Maybe someday I'll write out my life story, or give you all some earth shattering revelations. But right now, I got nothing...

So I'll just say some stuff that's going on or has been going on in my life. I dunno, I guess that's post worthy yea?

  • In 8 days I'll be taking my drivers test, which I'm kinda starting to freak out about.
  • I kinda sorta have some what of a boyfriend(ish)? haha um, my family keeps saying he's my boyfriend, but he isn't. not yet at least. But it's nice to know there's a boy out there that's interested in you. :3
  • I've been looking for jobs, but so far it hasn't been to great.
  • School still sucks.
  • I've been cut free for over a week now, so that's good.
ummmm yeah that's all I guess. I dunno.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

in other news.

next Sunday, my family is going to see my grandparents in Indiana. and amazingly, they expect me to drive part of the way.

I hate driving on highways. hate it with a passion.
it's too many cars squished together, going to fast.

I would rather just sleep the entire 12 hour trip like I usually do, but I get the feeling that won't be acceptable this time :I

and then, instead of going to take my license test this Wednesday, like was planned earlier this month, I'm taking it the 28th of next month. oh well. more time to practice my parallel parking. :)

Monday, February 27, 2012


I think I just got friend zoned.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

So....tonight was pretty big.

I talked to my mom about some stuff that was way long over due.

I still have some people to talk to, but I know it'll be fine in the long run.

Friday, February 3, 2012


down to business.
I'm gonna really REALLY try and keep this thing on track this time I swear.
I can maintain a Tumblr, so why not a legit blog?

lets see, what's new since august....

•I have a baby niece, Eden Kinsley Detweiler, she's perfect. hands down the cutest baby ever.

•I'm driving, I'll be taking my drivers test at the end of this month...I hope I do good....

•I'll be 17 this June. which is pretty cool. one year closer to being graduated (no more school! until college that is-_-), and one year closer to my future.
 I honestly have no clue what I want to do when I get older, all I know is I hope it's something to do with photography or art.
 I also have no clue where I want to live. right now, it's narrowed down to three places, which are Seattle (thanks to Chelsea), somewhere in California (thanks to Hailey), and England if at all possible, just because I really wanna visit there. Or maybe all three throughout my life? the sky's the limit.
 So it looks like no matter what, if any of my plans work out, I'll be moving a good distance away.

 I want to do something really big with my life. I want to make a difference. I'm not totally clear on how I'll accomplish this yet, but I'm leaving my options open.
 I'm gonna start making a bigger effort to listen to what God may be telling me to do, instead of what I think would be cool.